Have you been to the Milwaukee Art Museum? It is a real nice space. And what we saw was varied, fun, and unexpected. There were some of the hits, the things you remembered from your art history books, and some things I politely walked by.
One of the Hits

Pablo Picaso The Cock of the Liberation - 1944
I love the lines! The colors speak to me, and the fact that it is a rooster and a chicken. I did not know it was a Picaso when I went to take a picture of it. But I am still calling it is hit as I am sure many other people would have known that.
It does appear to be a political statement on some degree. Oh! but in a good way! Also, looking at the linked to page, my photo has muted a lot of the color of that painting. so click on to the museum's page to see it in all its vibrancy.

Gabriele Münter - Portrait of a Young Woman - 1909
Wait! This was done in 1909? Again, my phone muted the colors some. She had a period of time where all her paintings were this colorful, and those were also fun. Looking at her other works, so many of them are really something. In a good way. I'm a little sad I am just learning about her. I hope I see this post and go back and do some more research on her paintings. And not just the ones with the crazy colors!
from your art history books

Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Bruggen - Typewriter Eraser
So this looks like it is on loan? The Internets says that there are only a few of these out there, and it does not mention Milwaukee as one of the places that has one. It is as cool as it looks here. Assuming that you think that looks cool. Even if you don't, but appreciate art, I think you have to at least appreciate that this is out there. I would have though it was a lot older than 1999. I mean, did people even know what a typewriter was at that point? Was that the point of the piece?

This is from the exhibit Scandinavian Design and the United States, 1890–1980.
I was not present enough to grab a picture of the label for this one. It is what it looks like, a child's toy horse, only cooler and potentially more dangerous. The who exhibit was great. So many pictures of the kitchen items and paper patterns. it was one of the things that drew us to this museum and I am grateful for that.

James Hampton - Gold Crown #2
foil, plastic, cardboard and other assorted materials.
He was an outsider artist, which is probably what drew me towards this piece. But sadly, I am reading that he was not well when he was alive. Most of his work was of a religious nature, and from what I read here, it was found after he passed by his landlord. And by read, I mean skimmed.