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Stuff Going On
If I accidently stumble into doing something even vaguely interesting, it will show up here.
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Window Cats of Salem 01: The first of many prints of cats in windows, around Salem.
Ekphrastic was fantastic, at the Porter Mill.
Withdrawn is about finding hardcover books that have been abandoned by previous owners and passed over by the masses as well as books removed from a library catalog. It is taking that book and combining it with the pieces of a board game and creating a new third thing.
shown above: Just Past the Point of No Return. A pairing of the book The Point of No Return with the game Perfection.
seriously, a blog?
I am doing this for myself, but if you find enjoyment out of it, great! What you will find here are the artsy type things we do and or see throughout the year. And about five things I liked about it. Ideally, this will improve over time!